Saturday, July 24, 2010

It's Meghan!

hey all!

so, since I haven't posted in several days, I'll just do it this way:


"I know what I have seen, but I know not how to say it. As we drove through Birnam Wood, methought... that the woods were still!" We drove through Birnam Wood today on our way to Edinburgh. We have now been (in total) to: Macduff, Inverness, Birnam Wood, Scone, and Cawdor (all places from Macbeth) : ) SO MUCH FUN!!! |So thanks to all at once, and to each one, who we invite to see us crowned at Scone." (I quoted the whole last scene that day) (sorry that this will be short, I have limited internet time)


We toured Edinburgh Castle (go online and look it up - AMAZING!!!) and then drove to Hadrian's Wall in England, where we stayed in a hostel in the ruins of a ROMAN FORT!!!!!!!!!!!! There were sheep pastures all around, and the wall was so cool!!!!!! : )

JULY 24TH (today):

We drove a LOT, from Hadrian's Wall in the north part of England down to Cardiff, Wales (yeah, long drive). We're going to church at the Cardiff church in the morning.

I'll post more details on our trip when I have free internet, but I paid a pound for this 15 minutes and am just about out of time :)

More later!



  1. Yayyy! So fun to hear about your travels in the past few days. All the Macbeth places are so cool. And I want to see many, many pictures of the ruins of a Roman fort where the hostel was, and Edinburgh castle when you get back!!

  2. Sounds like you had a fun and busy time these past few days! It's so cool that you get to go to the Cardiff church!

  3. Being able to stay at the Wall is awesome. Oh, and I'm jealous of the ability to listen to Welsh accents for a good long while; they sound fantastic.
