Friday, July 17, 2009

Day 7

Hey Yo

Yesterday was one of the best days of camp yet. In orchestra we worked on our string medley that includes all of the bluegrass bands, fiddle ensemble, and the mandolin ensemble. Then we had a shortened technique class that was a whole bunch of music games. Instead of going to improv., Annie wanted all of the bluegrass bands to practice which we were very happy to do (we decided to swing a bluegrass tune, speed it up, and add a huge ritard at one point, and all of this without two members of our band). Then we practiced the variations on Pagini's 24th Caprice (including the Benny Goodman version) and we split up for mandolin ensemble and then off to bluegrass band. After a very rushed dinner, I had to go play cello for the dress rehearsal for the little kids' show. It was a four hour rehearsal and we only got half way through the show..... Anyway, Ben Wolaver (the cellist) and I had some great conversation ranging from our favorite de-motivators to escatology to problems with the emergent church.

Quote of the day:

Ben: If you're not part of the solution, there is good money to be made in prolonging the problem.



1 comment:

  1. Liking the quote.
    Is it just me, or are you having way too much fun changing the way you sign all these? Let's count your nicknames for the next week and a half, shall we?
